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textbox that only accepts numbers greater than 0

Публикувано на: 03 Ное 2017, 11:27
от Williamhawk
I'm looking for a way to make my textbox only accept numbers. It needs to accept all numbers greater or equal to 0 and any number of decimals. No negatives.
I found this online:
<input type="number" min="0" oninput="validity.valid||(value='');">
While this accomplishes almost everything I want, it has this odd glitch of not allowing any numbers in the decimal expansion except 0's. For example, if I type this:
...it accepts it, but if I try to type:
...it clears the field.
If anyone can help me fix this one glitch, this would be perfect for me. If not, then can anyone suggest an alternative way of doing this?

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

http://www.htmlforums.com/forum/website ... ter-than-0

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Re: textbox that only accepts numbers greater than 0

Публикувано на: 03 Ное 2017, 15:31
от beyond U
Hello , can you introduce yourself , otherwise i will have to consider you a bot or something.
